


Google Android Marketのは、

Signing Your Applications | Android Developers

Publishing Upgrades on Android Market
The beta version of Android Market does not handle notifying your users when you publish a new version of your application. At present, the user must initiate downloads of the upgraded application.
Until Android Market is able to notify users and let them download your upgrade, here is a suggested way of notifying users:
Have your app occasionally check in with a web-service that you're running. This web-service should return two values: the latest available version number (corresponding to android:versionCode) and the application's Market UID.
Your application can then compare its own version number against that retrieved. If the retrieved value is greater, then your application can show a dialog informing the user that a new version is available. The dialog can offer buttons to begin the download or cancel.
If the user clicks the button to begin the download, your application can call startActivity() using the ACTION_VIEW Intent, passing one of these URIs:
