

  2.1 行列の性質
  2.2 連立1 次方程式
  2.3 逆行列
  2.4 行列式
  2.5 固有値固有ベクトル
  2.6 対角化


Eric Lengyel
Founder and Chief Technology Officer
Terathon Software LLC
Eric Lengyel (pronounced LENG · el, with no Y) holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Virginia Tech and is the best-selling author of the book Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics (Charles River Media, 2002). He is also a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Graphics Tools and a major contributor to the successful Game Programming Gems series.

Eric previously worked in the advanced technology group at Naughty Dog and is now credited on several PlayStation 3 titles based on technology that he developed there. Long ago (in programmer years) he was the lead programmer for the fifth installment of Sierra Studio's popular RPG adventure series Quest for Glory. When he's not engaged in multiplayer deathmatch, Eric can usually be found running somewhere in the mountains surrounding Silicon Valley.