Learn how to build a business on mobile apps so you can quit your day job. Walk away with an understanding of app business basics and how to use house ads for app promotion, mediation to optimize in-app advertising revenues and analytics to measure real ROI.
Official Google Blog: We’ve officially acquired AdMob!
ビジネス モデル: 弊社は Mobile Advertising Network を通じて、対象を絞った広告をモバイル サイトに毎月 10 億本以上配信しています。 弊社は世界最大のモバイル広告ネットワークであり、1,000 以上のモバイル サイトが参加する広告ネットワークを構築しています。 弊社の広告ネットワークをご利用いただくと、自社のモバイル サイトで広告収入を簡単に得ることができます。また広告主は、160 か国以上のモバイル サイトにおいて、広告配信対象ユーザーを絞り込むことができます。
サービスおよびツール: モバイル サイトの管理者は、弊社の AdMob Mobile Analytics ソリューションを使用することにより、トラフィックとサイト使用状況を分析できるので、データに基づいてモバイル事業に関する意思決定を行うことができます。
データ: 弊社は、複雑なモバイル環境の重要データを整理し、パートナーおよび広告業界に提供しています。 弊社が毎月発行している「AdMob Mobile Metrics Report」には、弊社の広告ネットワークのトラフィックに関する集計データが掲載されています。 このデータを分析することにより、モバイル エコシステムの動向がわかります。
AdMob was one of the first companies to serve ads inside mobile applications on the Android and iPhone platforms. They’ve developed a host of engaging and creative ad units for Android and iPhone apps―for example, interactive video ad units and expandable rich media ads. Google has also been developing new features for in-app ads. For example, last week, we announced that we’ll be making “click-to-call” ad formats available to developers who run AdSense in their mobile apps. With Google and AdMob starting to work together, there’s lots more innovation to come in this area.
FTCから召喚状がきて脳がゲシュタルト崩壊するくらい問い詰められました(GoogleのAdmob買収) | On Off and Beyond
それにしても、感銘を受けたのは、たかがモバイル広告ごとき(ごめん、業界の人)で、ここまでやっきになってFTCが調査をしているということ。アメリカのモバイル広告の2009年の推定市場規模は$300 millionいかないくらいなのに・・・。「モバイル広告業界がどうなっているか、とことん理解するためのテストケースでは」とAdmobで働くとある人は言ってましたがいかがなものか。
Omar Hamoui - Partner @ Sequoia Capital | CrunchBase
Omar is an entrepreneur with deep roots in the mobile industry. After earning a degree in Computer Science at UCLA, Omar founded and ran several companies in mobile software and services. At the time, he was frustrated by the lack of available options when it came to promoting and monetizing mobile products. Omar realized that mobile service and content firms needed better ways to advertise and make money on the mobile Web. While earning his MBA at the Wharton School, Omar began to think more seriously about the untapped potential of mobile advertising, and created AdMob to address this growing opportunity.
We will introduce in-app Payments API for monetizing games, content and digital goods. We will show demos and example integrations, as well as walk through how the API works and how to integrate it into both HTML and Flash apps.
Jambool, Inc. was co-founded by Amazon.com veterans Vikas Gupta and Reza Hussein, and has offices in San Francisco, Seattle and Singapore. Jambool started out as an online collaborative research tool. The company created several popular social applications and rose to among the top 10 application developers in 2008.[citation needed] In September 2008, Jambool launched Social Gold, an in-game payments platform for virtual currencies. In December 2008, Social Gold introduced its virtual currency platform in private beta. In February 2008, Social Gold launched a self-service payments widget for Facebook application developers. Following that, in March 2009, Social Gold launched an in-game payments system. In October 2009, Social Gold added an support for in-Flash payments. This allowed players to securely make micro transactions within Adobe Flash, obviating the need to go to a separate website to enter payment credentials. This increased ease-of-use increased customer monetization rates.
According to TechCrunch, Social Gold was "hit hard" by the introduction of Facebook Credits, Facebook's official way of offering in-app payments for Facebook widgets.[1] Facebook declared that all Facebook game developers would be required to only process payments through Facebook Credits beginning July 1, 2011, killing any possibility of Social Gold continuing as a platform for Facebook apps.[5] Social Gold is scheduled to close on May 31, 2011, the last day before Facebook Credits become obligatory.[3]
After Google's acquisition, Jambool employees worked on Google's in-app payments platform for web applications.[6][7