The Jetsons are a family residing in Orbit City in the year 2062.[6][7] The city's architecture is rendered in the Googie style, and all homes and businesses are raised high above the ground on adjustable columns. George Jetson lives with his family in the Skypad Apartments: his wife Jane is a homemaker, their teenage daughter Judy attends Orbit High School, and their early-childhood son Elroy attends Little Dipper School. Housekeeping is seen to by a robot maid, Rosie, which handles chores not otherwise rendered trivial by the home's numerous push-button Space Age-envisioned conveniences. The family has a dog named Astro, which talks with an initial consonant mutation in which every word begins with an "R", as if speaking with a growl.
George Jetson's workweek is typical of his era: an hour a day, two days a week.[8] His boss is Cosmo Spacely, the diminutive yet bombastic owner of Spacely Space Sprockets. Spacely has a competitor, Mr.Cogswell, owner of the rival company Cogswell Cogs (sometimes known as Cogswell's Cosmic Cogs). Jetson commutes to work in an aerocar that resembles a flying saucer with a transparent bubble top. Daily life is leisurely, assisted by numerous labor-saving devices, which occasionally break down with humorous results. Despite this, everyone complains of exhausting hard labor and difficulties living with the remaining inconveniences.

ゲルショム・ゲルハルト・ショーレム(גרשם גרהרד שלום Gershom Gerhard Scholem 1897年12月5日 - 1982年2月21日)はドイツ生まれのイスラエルの思想家。ユダヤ神秘主義カバラ)の世界的権威で、ヘブライ大学教授を務めた。1958年にイスラエル賞を受賞。1968年にはイスラエル文理学士院の院長に選ばれた。<<
24をしのぐ傑作「Battlestar Galactica」 | On Off and Beyond
