
第17章 標準コンテナ

自分の仕事に強固な理論的基礎を与えるべきときがきた。  Sam Morgan

Personal history

Morgan grew up in Wellington, New Zealand, his father being economist Gareth Morgan. He attended Rongotai College and Victoria University of Wellington before opting out in 1995.
He married Talei Hayward in May 2001. They have two daughters.
[edit]Professional history

Morgan worked for IT consultancy Deloitte before leaving to start up TradeMe in 1999. TradeMe kept him very busy and at one point he was living 200m from the main office on Wellington Waterfront. On March 6th 2006, John Fairfax Holdings agreed to buy TradeMe for NZ$700 million, plus another NZ$50 million if financial targets were met over the next two years. Sam Morgan received $227 million (excluding future bonuses), making him one of the richest people in New Zealand overnight. Not sure what he would do with the money, he said "I'm not a man of expensive tastes."
"One of the things we have done well is to hire really good people. If you were in charge of a company of that size and taking all the stress, then you would be doing something really wrong," Sam said.
Sam is now an investor and advisor to a number of start-up businesses and is also involved with several non-profit organisations including Medicine Mondiale.


17−1 標準コンテナ
 17−1−1 演算概要
 17−1−2 コンテナの概要
 17−1−3 表現
 17−1−4 要素の要件

17−2 シーケンス
 17−2−1 vector
 17−2−2 list
 17−2−3 deque

17-3 シーケンス アダプタ
 17−3−1 stack
 17−3−2 queue
 17−3−3 priority_queue

17-4 連想コンテナ
 17−4−1 map
17−4−2 multimap
17−4−3 set
17−4−4 multiset

17-5 おおよそコンテナ
 17−5−1 string
 17−5−2 valarray
 17−5−3 bitset
 17−5−4 組み込み配列

17−6 新しいコンテナの定義
 17−6−1 hash_map
 17−6−2 表現と構築
 17−6−3 その他のハッシュ関数付連想コンテナ

17−7 アドバイス

17−8 練習問題